Friday, November 6, 2009

I've been MIA but I'm back with some new things to share...

Okay, well I've been hibernating for a few days, relaxing and filling up my literary food tank.  Just completed a couple of great books this past week (both fiction and non-fiction).  If you know me, you know that I love all things related to beauty and fashion and I am a strong believer that true beauty comes from within yourself.  The outside appearance is just the icing on the cake or to put it another way- a great book with an eye-catching front jacket cover.  What better way to develop on your inner beauty by feeding yourself knowledge and stories you can learn from.  Reading a fantastic book feeds the soul and can transform you from within.  Needless to say it's also a great way to relax.

I completed "Why We Want You To Be Rich" by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump in one week.  Let me first say, that Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" changed my way of thinking back in 2006.  This is when I decided to start my own business.  I was determined to make my own wealth and start paying myself instead of making my employer rich.  So when a friend of mine (Naiomi Pitre) recommended to me another Kiyosaki book, I jumped on it right away.  And wow, the book gave me more insight than before on financial education.  The one thing that still puzzles me to this day is why our schools aren't teaching our kids who are technically "on their own" at the young age of 18 to have this financial knowledge under their belts as soon as they graduate.  Perhaps it's all a conspiracy of the government so that people of society are clueless to the fact that our country will be broke by the time the Baby Boomers will start retiring (which is now) and the "Social Security Wallet" will be dried out and empty.  Also when our children become adults this country will be in serious financial trouble (as we are seeing now).  Hmmm...Anyway I highly recommend this book so you can get an idea of where we (our country) are headed, if we are not already there now.  Boost your Financial IQ!!! It's worth it.

So after reading that book, I decided I'd take some down time and enjoy something else on a different level.  I love poems (reading and writing them, I usually write when I have time to ponder on a few things) so I ordered Naiomi Pitre's "How Nasty Is Too Nasty" CD- a collection of erotic Spoken Word poems performed by the artist herself.  It's quite romantic and soulful.  (It's perfect to listen to with your significant other- if you know what I mean!)  Later, I turned to her book, "In The Panty Drawer- Journey into a Mind of a Sexual Woman" which were a collection of short stories and poems.  And let me tell you, it is raw passion at it's finest!  I enjoyed it very much and completed it in a day.  I suggest you take a peak here.  Naiomi Pitre is a very talented unique author.  I also highly recommend her as your one of your bedside books. 

I'd love to know what you thought after reading these books, feel free to leave comments or email me.

Your innerself may be asking for a make-over!
HUgz *

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