Tuesday, December 8, 2009

In The Spirit of Giving

I am soooo in the spirit of giving this season!  With so many people out of jobs and out of homes, I realized that there are so many simple things that we normally take for granted.  It made me shift my thinking just a little.  The holiday season usually has me in the spirit of giving but this year it's a bit different, I prefer giving to the less fortunate, yes the family members will get their gifts of course- But I found myself giving more and donating more than ever before.  I think I have done more searches on donating than on online shopping!  It's the second week of December and I have only bought 2 Christmas gifts, one for my youngest son and the other for a close family friend.  I have become more occupied with giving back!

A week ago, I helped fund a loan for a lady in the Philippines who raises pigs for a living to support her family of 8 children.  I stumbled upon a great organization, www.kiva.org that allows entrepreneurs in developing countries to obtain a small loan to build their business.  The funds that I loaned will eventually get repaid, which then gets put back into my account to help another entrepreneur in another country, if I wish.  This week, I came across www.Soles4Souls.org Did you know that over 300 million children in the world do not own shoes?  I can relate to this...as I was one of those poor children walking barefooted in the muddy terrain of a third world country (rewind back 28 years ago).  Hence, my present-addiction to shoes.  Now with my closet-full of shoes and a garage-converted-shoe-closet, I would love to give up some of my shoes for those who so need it!!!  So if  you are like me and are drowning in shoes, donate some of your gently used shoes.  Or if you looooovve your shoes too much, you can donate $5 for a pair of flip flops or $10 for a pair of clogs.  Please shoot me an email, to arrange that.

There are other ways to give as well- I have a friend who is asking for new items to go to the NV Partnership for Homeless Youth.  Which is an awesome way to give to homeless children and teens who are in need of necessary items such as clothes, socks, and basic hygiene products, etc.  If you have any items to give away, please let me know since items will be dropped off this Saturday. 

Time is also another great resource that we have or don't have but is priceless nonetheless when we give away some of it.  Time is such a valuable thing and by volunteering a few hours of your day at a soup kitchen or a shelter, it becomes sooo gratifying!  Check out www.volunteercentersn.org for volunteer projects in the area.

Have a Happy and Giving Holiday Season!

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