Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Closet Confession #1: I'm such a geek & a closet-cynic

Here's my very first confession: yes, I am a Geek!  Also deep-down somewhere I found myself to be a closet-Cynic.  (Although this may not be something that I'm proud to admit.)  Read more and you'll see why.

Over this past weekend I ventured on a trip to my local bookstore to buy a Robert Kiyosaki book that my author-friend recommended and while taking a quiet moment to myself on one of the bookstore's randomly located leather chairs.  I came across a humorous book that captured my undivided attention.  About 3 minutes into the book, I found myself chuckling at the oh-so-true observations of this little yellow book called Go Tweet Yourself by Janelle Randazza.  A funny book about Facebookers, Myspacers, Twitters, and all the other Online Social Networker groups (i.e. bloggers, LinkedIn socialites, etc) that we all fall into!  Oh yes, I am guilty of falling prey to pretty much all of those categories at some point or another or at least I've made a login ID in the past with the intention of actually being a member of those sites.  But, hey my optimism was what led me to sign up with some strange notion that my life would be somehow fulfilled by doing so. 

The book is a summation of all the quirky things that people do or don't do and just straight up laughing about it (Enough is Enough: We don't want to see pictures from your business trip to Omaha.  We don't want to see what that random girl from study group is having for breakfast. And we certainly don't want a virtual drink) yeah- give me a real drink, darnnit!  And I have made similar observations myself, but never really came out in public like Randazza has.  I guess that makes me somewhat of a cynic, right? 

In my hopes to share my fascination with my husband, I did my best in explaining the humor I found in the book, he throws me this strange look and classifies me as a full-fledged Geek!  Okay, I will declare to that affirmation.  If anything, I had a few good laughs and enjoyed my weekend being anti-social! 

Let's laugh off some of that misery! hahahaha

1 comment:

  1. Well thank you for the nice review of my book! Much appreciated.

    Have a great one,
