Thursday, November 12, 2009

Grab Your Bananas!

A couple of nights ago, I was sitting bedside in the hospital next to my best friend who has a heart condition (thank goodness she is okay now) and we overheard the woman who was in the bed next to her, arguing with the nurse and adamantly refusing to take her Potassium pill, although it was the doctor's orders.  (Our mouths dropped when the lady called this caring nurse- a "dumb bitch" as she walked away) This lady's potassium level was too low which may have caused problems with her heart, thus hospital admittance. 

Here's a quick overview: Potassium is a mineral (electrolyte) in the body. Almost 98% of potassium is found inside the cells. Small changes in the level of potassium that is present outside the cells can have severe effects on the heart, nerves, and muscles.

Potassium is important to maintain several bodily functions:

•Muscles need potassium to contract.

•The heart muscle needs potassium to beat properly and regulate blood pressure.

The kidney is the main organ that controls the balance of potassium. It removes excess potassium into the urine.

When potassium levels are low (hypokalemia), you can become weak as cellular processes are impaired.

•The normal potassium level is 3.5-5.0 mEq/L (this is a measure used to evaluate the level). Low potassium is defined as a potassium level below 3.5 mEq/L.  (The lady in the hospital in the bed next to my friend had a potassium level of 3.2- ouch!)

•Almost one out of five people hospitalized in the United States has a low potassium level. Up to 14% of people otherwise seen in doctors' offices have slightly low potassium levels.

To learn more about potassium, click here.

So it just puzzled me why the woman in the hospital didn't want to increase her potassium level and accused the potassium medication of deteriorating her health!  This sounded so absurd to me. It does help to be educated of things especially related to your health.

When I first did hot yoga (Bikram yoga), at 105 degrees Farenheit with a 40% humidity, towards the end of the hour when I'm doing my Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana), I would get a horrible headache at the start of this pose.  I, later learned that it was due to a lack of potassium; and that I needed to eat a banana a couple of hours prior.  Bananas have miracle-working capabilities, let me tell you!  They are supplied with tons of minerals and vitamins that we humans need.  So don't forget to consume your 2 bananas daily!

Remember that when you feel good, you look good also.

BANANAS = a Happy Heart!

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